Saturday, October 12, 2013

Update on Kshreya's Quilt

Here's Kshreya on her quilt.  What a cutie she is!  At this point she has her dad's hair, but hopefully it will grow in.

I quilted it with one off-centred spiral each line about an inch apart.  I was thinking of doing two spirals that overlapped, but it felt the right amount of softness after just one, so I stopped. 

Kamya's quilt:

Here's the quilt I made for her sister, Kamya, about 5 years ago when she was this size.  It's very traditional and I used 30s reproduction fabrics and a white-on-white background.  I think what keeps it from being entirely traditional, is although I used sashing and borders, they are all the same background colour, which makes the pinwheels float on the quilt rather than being boxed in.

Pinwheel quilt front
And here's the back.
Don't tell Kamya, but I was using up fabric that I didn't really like that much for the back.  Now, I probably would have used solids for a punch of colour.  I do like the off-set stripes and that the pin-wheels aren't in the centre.  And I notice they are spinning in the opposite direction and I got 5 rather than 4 across.  I wonder if these were planned or accidental.  The quilt has an all over stipple with curves about the size of a quarter.


  1. Such a precious baby and the quilt is lovely too!

  2. I love it, pinwheels are SO-O versatile and always so very neat looking. Can't go wrong with HST's anyway....
    love your blog.... hope you're going to continue!!!!
